submit to ruffle

submit to ruffle ✶

With a passion for providing opportunities for creatives to get their work out there, Ruffle welcomes submissions from all!

Soif there’s something you would like to get out into the world whether it be a poem, photo, artwork, current affairs article, fashion article, interview with someone inspiring (or anything thing else that your heart desires) send it through!

Please take time to look through what we have previously published to see if Ruffle is right for you and your work.

Ruffle understands how many of us creatives struggle with perfectionism but please do not hesitate to submit. We are more than willing to work with you to develop your work to a stage where you are happy with it and its ready to make its debut with Ruffle.

Please send through your submission to and ensure to attach appropriate documents/images.

We will get back to you as soon as possible!

submit to ruffle

submit to ruffle ✶